Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dating Dilemma - Bootie Calls

So this is a fairly solid outline of how the last couple of weekends have played out:
Friday night: 
-Go to a bar to meet up with friends/celebrate somebody's birthday
-Meet cute 20-something
-Have great conversations, joke, flirt with 20-something
-20-something asks for my phone number
-I give him phone number
-We hug and part ways
Saturday night (somewhere between 9.30 pm - 11.45pm):
-Cute 20-something sends me a text message: "Hey, what are you doing tonight?  Wanna hang out?"
-I respond with (fill in the blank), "At dinner/movie/hanging with friends/sleeping"
-Cute 20-something replies, "Wanna come to my place afterwards?"
-Me: "No thanks. I'm kind of exhausted.  How about later in the week?"
-Cute 20-something, "Yeah, I'll call you later."

A week goes by, I don't hear from the 20-something and the cycle repeats itself with a newer, cuter, flirtier 20-something.
Seriously, what is it with 20-somethings and bootie calls?  It seems that when you meet a guy who is still in college, the next time he speaks to you, he asks you out for dinner/movie, in other words a proper date.  When guys in their 30-40s want to get together, they ask you out for drinks, coffee, or something that doesn't consist of a lot of time so they can get a feel of the situation, but bail if its not working out.  Clearly, 30-40 year olds have all figured out that a bootie call to a stranger doesn't actually work.  But what is going on in the heads of the 20 year olds?
Just so none of us has to think too hard about it, I polled a couple of males for their is what they had to say:

BS: Generally when guys do this, they are playing the "hard to get boyfriend-wise"card... "If I make her think I'm only in it for the booty, then the pressure's off when it comes to dates."

RH: "It's just age.  Guys thinks more about just hooking up in their 20s.  Between 30-40, guys still think of that but perhaps become more selective of who they will spend time pursuing.  As I've somewhat matured, I'm more inclined to try wining and dining someone then just making a booty call."

BB: "He's probably like 'hey, this girl is in her 30s now, she probably doesn't want to mess around with any dating, and I might get some sex.'  I don't necessarily think that this is the prevailing wisdom of the current 20 somethings...although, does it work?"

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A few of my favorite things...

-Los Angeles Arboretum: I forgot how much I love visiting the arboretum.  A recent visit reminded me and  immediately I bought a season pass.
-Fantastic Mr. Fox: If you haven't seen it...go now and do so.  You won't regret it!
-Hiking at Fryman Canyon: Best way to spend an hour in LA.
-lunch at Vegan Plate: Their soy chicken tastes so much like chicken, I can't really tell the difference.  Love it so much!
-Samantha Mathis:  You know that game, "who would play you in your biopic?"  Well Samantha Mathis would play me.  She's just a badass.  And I gave her directions on the Disney lot the other day, and I love that she left me a tiny bit starstruck.
-Corkbar: because chef Albert totally rocks AND they have the best grilled cheese sandwiches in ALL of LA.  Swear to GOD!
-Random flavored KitKats from Japan
-Free online lectures from Yale Professors:  I'm currently taking a class on Music appreciation.  I love it!
-Breathless by Jean-Luc Godard:  I haven't seen this movie in years, but its fantastic.  I've decided its time to revisit all my favorite films from film school: a reminder of why I fell in love with film isn't a bad thing.
-The Red Balloon:  Have a mentioned how much I love this movie yet?  It's 30 minutes of beauty and innocence.  A perfect film.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Dear Los Angeles,

Happy Anniversary.  It was 10 years ago today that I fell in love with you and agreed to move-in.  Who would have thought a decade of friends, family, and amazing adventures could have flown by so quickly? But, here we are and I have to confess that I may just be more in love with you than ever.
So thank you for 10 years of...
-Birthdays, brunches, and bbqs
-Best friends, boyfriends, and broken hearts (I'm noticing a pattern of alliterations)
-Parties and premieres and picnics at the Hollywood Bowl
-Sunsets on the beach and sunrises after a long night out on the town.
-Restaurants and markets with tastes and things from every corner of the world.
-Disneyland days and museums at night
And most importantly, enough fantastic memories to last a lifetime.
Here's hoping the next decade will be just as amazing.
