Thursday, March 4, 2010

Drinks with a 20-something.....

Today's blog entry isn't so much a dating dilemma, more like the state of my dating world.  Last night I met up with a 20-something for drinks.  It took 3 weeks to actually get to the point where he didn't text me the night of, to ask me out.  I had been straightforward and explained that he needed to at least give me 24 hour notice when making plans.  I think that's fair, considering my schedule is usually overbooked.  Of course 3 hours prior to our meeting, he texted to let me know that he had double-booked the evening and hoped I didn't mind that he only had 2 hours free to hang out.  Lucky for him, I am actually a fan of having an out-time.  I've been on way too many painful dates that dragged out longer than necessary.  The ability to see the light at the end of the tunnel is strangely comforting to me.  So in all honesty, I often double-book my nights in order to get as much done in the little bit of free time I have.   I guess with that in mind, I can't actually be annoyed with my 20-something male counterpart on this issue. 

However, when I showed up at the Whitehorse Inn (the agreed upon meeting place), the 20-something, who I might add has spent weeks trying to get a date with me, is already there.  He's got a drink and he's hanging out like he owns the place.  But, here's the part that I find doesn't occur to him to offer me a drink.  Is it strange to have the expectation that a guy that asked you out, would then offer to buy you a drink?  I admit that 9 out of 10 times the guy buys the first round of drinks and I then get the 2nd round, but I feel like in order for that to happen, he needs to first offer.  Okay, so I didn't let this derail me, I asked him if he would like something to drink? (playing the nice girl) which he declined, since he was already nursing a drink.  Then we sat down and had a lovely conversation.  

Thing is, lack of social courtesy aside, I find him to be an interesting guy, whom I enjoy hanging out with.   But, this was only date #1....and it felt like i had so much to teach him about my expectations.  It all seemed like way too much work.  So I think he just knocked himself down to the "friend" category.  I suppose a 6 year age difference is just too wide a gap to consider us on a level playing field.

Next up....a boy I met on an internet dating site.  I'll keep you posted.

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