Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fruit Sushi

Ahh...Thanksgiving.  The day when we gorge ourselves with turkey, stuffing, cranberries, mashed potatoes and gravy.  Bleh!!!  It is my least favorite holiday.  I haven't been a fan of the traditional foods since I was 5 years old, and overate too much stuffing, making myself sick, ruining forevermore the need and desire to eat any and all of the traditional Thanksgiving dishes.  So my family tradition has long involved a multitude of foods: turkey, ham, and sushi, along with salads and the traditional foods.  Since moving to Los Angeles, I spend most of my Thanksgivings with my family in Colorado.  There we celebrate by eating at the family restaurant  where my cousin Sven makes the most delicious meals...and I am not bound by any traditions to eat turkey, stuffing, or potatoes.  Instead, I change my order every year, depending on the mood.  Of course there are no leftovers at the end of the night (everything is so yummy, why would there be?) but that just makes the meal even more have one chance to really savor all the flavors!

This year, I spent Thanksgiving in Apple Valley, California, with my Auntie Emi's family.  I have a lot of cousins and younger 2nd cousins, which make it lively and boisterous when we all get together.  And since, i knew there would be a traditional meal to look forward to, I had to make sure there was something that I could eat.  So this year, my contribution was Fruit Sushi...a messy, yet yummy, lightly sweet dessert.

What you need:
-Coconut Sticky Rice (buy the pre-made stuff from a thai restaurant or thai bakery)
-Asian Pear
-Berries for garnish

Cut the fruit into sticks.  Set aside.
Take a piece of parchment paper and place it over a bamboo sushi mat, spread rice evenly over the paper (because it is so sticky, it helps if you plop some rice down, then cover it with another piece of parchment paper, then use a rolling pin to roll it out evenly.  Take off the top sheet of parchment paper before continuing.)  Place and assortment of fruit sticks in a horizontal line across the rice (click here to see an example using avocado).  Roll your sushi, being careful not to get the parchment paper stuck inside the roll.  Stick in the refrigerator for an hour, cut, and serve.  Use berries to garnish and make the plate look pretty!

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