My deal breakers are pretty simple and common:
-self-chosen ignorance towards people, cultures, and the environment.
-rudeness towards service people (waitstaff, valets, gardeners, shopkeepers, etc)
-lacking an interest to try new things, visit new places, taste new foods
-inability to spend time doing their own thing (lack of a hobby)
-smokers, spitters, and alcoholics need not apply
Of course I had to ask a few of my friends about what they wouldn't put up with. Here are the answers to this weeks email survey:
LL: Short temper and littering (I think it says a lot about a person if they are willing to litter...just a lack of respect and expecting someone else to clean up there crap and I am not that person. :) I'm not a smoker, but was willing to keep hanging out with this guy because he didn't throw his cigarette butt out the window...he kept it in his ash tray and cleaned it out when we parked he passed by a trash can. And you could tell it was something he always did, not something he just did because I was around...I was impressed.)
(This is all assuming he's not a criminal, in a relationship already, homeless or Michael Vick).
NW: bad hygiene, rude behavior,general lack of intellect/desire for more knowledge/ignorance
blatant homophobia/racism/prejudice (i guess that's rude behavior)
slapping my ass i public when you don't know me ;-) - again, i suppose this is covered under the rude clause, and yes, that one JUST happened to me recently.
blatant homophobia/racism/prejudice (i guess that's rude behavior)
slapping my ass i public when you don't know me ;-) - again, i suppose this is covered under the rude clause, and yes, that one JUST happened to me recently.
HL: I'm pretty open minded, but it would definitely be hard for me to date someone without a job or someone without a car. Yeah. Those are mine off the top of my head.
AA: They have to have hobbies/do something (I don't care if we share hobbies or what his hobbies are--as long as it's not only video games--the dude needs to do something with his free time). Needs to be smarter than me, must have a passport, must have goals of some sort (sorta goes back to the hobby thing), cannot have something inherrently wrong/be creepy or weird/not an axe murder! Must be slightly eccentric (everyone in my life whom I really love spending time with is a bit eccentric)
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