Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A few of my favorite things...

-Shaun the Sheep:  I love all the little shorts from this series.  Shaun is so cute and watching this is way better than counting sheep at night!
-Children's book illustrations:  I always find inspiration in children's books.  I often stop by the library on the weekend and load up on kid's books to look through over the upcoming week.
-Breakfast for dinner!  I was gifted some pastry dough by a chef friend, so the girls and I decided to meet up and have a breakfast for dinner party.  Bloody Mary and Mimosa station, blueberry cupcakes, farmer's market fruits and veggies, and egg and bacon empanadas.  What could possibly be more delightful?
-100 things to do before you die list (a list by some guy named Chris):  I've decided to create a new list for myself, but can't believe that the majority of the list is about visiting countries that I haven't been to yet.
-This little bit of magic made my whole morning!
-Rob Dunlavey's Crystal Cities sculpture makes me want to build my own city!
- Clogs!  While in Japan, I saw the cutest pair of clogs in Harajuku, and think its time that I considered getting a new pair...but whatever happened to that cute clog store on Fairfax?
-Hurt Locker: I think more than anything, this is a commentary on how people become conditioned to crave the insanity in their lives as a survival mechanism. Then have trouble relaxing and enjoying the quiet mundane everyday things.  Peace and quiet can sometimes be a letdown.
- Lost in Translation Blog:  Returning to Japan and seeing friends from my life in Kagawa, has left me pensive about choices I've made in my life, career, and travels.  Vivian's blog reminds me of the parts of living in Japan that I loved.  And the fact that she lives very close to my fishing village, makes it even more relatable.  Just in case you are curious, here is a link to my old blog about my life in Nio (It's best to start from the end and work chronologically to the beginning).
-Finally...my favorite picture from a shopping day in Harajuku:

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