Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Simple Life - Day 15

This week is all about getting caught up for the holidays.  I'm creating holiday cards, gifts, wrapping presents and doing a whole lot of shipping.  It is doubtful the budget will hold this week, but I'm going to try.

First off, I used an old groupon for Wine Insiders to order 6 bottles of wine to use for upcoming holiday parties at friends' homes.  Should have my order by the end of the week.  Then caught up with my buddy Joe for a hike in Fryman Canyon.  I love that most of my friends are on hiatus this month and now I have so many people to hang out with during the day.  Its so much fun, but it makes it harder to focus on work. Then went to Osh to pick up some Ball Canning Jars for another small project: hostess gifts. ($10.94)

That night, Jim came over for a home made dinner (I made him coffee ice cream with the coffee beans I bought the day before) and a movie (BBC's Sherlock Holmes....which I LOVE!  Such a cool modern version!).

Tomorrow I really must get a better jump on my holiday stuff...cards, gifts, wrapping, shipping, o la vache!

Things that inspire me:
-Yokoo, I love, love, love this video, I want to live in her serene, little world.
-Miwa Matreyek's TedTalk.  Fascinating and beautiful.
-Color Me Katie's Blog...I just know we could be BFFs!
-I feel the need to go to the Arboretum and shoot a few rolls of film after seeing this.  Delightful!

Total spent this week: $10.94
Total remaining for the week: $64.06

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