Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Simple Life - Day 17

Got a crazy call this morning from a former colleague asking if I'd be interested in a job.  Since I'm letting the universe be my guide, I figured it may not be such a bad idea to meet with her about it, however it would be back in the film industry and I have a few reservations.  But, hearing about a new project  is never a bad thing.  Plus all the folks involved are super talented, so maybe this will be an amazing opportunity.  And I think the meeting went well, just have to wait until Friday, while they interview a bunch of other super talented, overqualified, former studio kids...God, I love this town.

The majority of my day was spent working on those silly holiday cards.  I realized I have over 100 to send, and that barely scratches the surface of my friends, family, and colleagues.  So far I've made 19.  I have a lot of work ahead of me.

But the hostess gifts, well I made a serious dent in them.  Candied a ton of ginger!  Tomorrow I should be done with all of them and may post pictures....or maybe I will wait until the end of the season.  I did have do a bit of shopping for supplies and spent a whopping total of: $14.46...of course that included an impulse buy of mint flavored yogurt drink...BLAH...I should have known, there is a cartoon cow on the label that says, "I made this one extra special for you." It tasted like a dairy-fied kombucha.  BLAH!

Spent my night working at the Blu Conference about Pre-fab homes and sustainable living.  There are some amazing models out there that totally make me salivate.  Perhaps one day?

Total spent for the day: $14.46
Total spent this week: $25.40
Total remaining for the week: $49.60

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